Saturday, August 8, 2009

poetry room is upstairs.

for naomi's boy, who loved peter.

bathtubs filled with
bubbles & beat
&indian snippets
are important
as anything else:

the faucet drips jazz
and i am sudsy prose,
letting my mutilated
childtoes play with
white soap beards
forming foaming at the tiled ridges,
liquid santa's
lapping, hidden chins.

candles are lit, yes
romantic shadows smoking on
the water
confettied with
candied ashes of the poems i HATE
or the letters i LOVE
too much to
REAL, like this moment is
and the smell of wax
flesh--filters into my
neurons, digging
dig it?
because let's face it:
the burning
wakes me.

and all the fairy boy-a-sleeping diary entries
make my skin
passion that
is that perfectly
thank you, allen,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

black as birds.



sit up on blacker wires binding up communication,

scumbrilliantly twittering english mangled by rapidity

we cannot comprehend,


dropping roofies in our trailer-trash red cups

i wake up

under hands so flutter-white and lonely

it takes a soft light

a subtle morningcreepiness to cast a shadow and to know

they aren't mine,

books crashed on the floor around me

disrespect lining their spines

and memories in their skins

we're rain damaged

and the birds are nestled dry in their skies and they

gossip and laugh like they're at the market and we're

the village whores

the wall-crashing and mother-catching made me who i was

but its no longer who i am

so shut up, so shut up!

alexander's body is dead across the sea-rocks, salted

and i will attend his funeral, but i will not send flowers

we woke up


and brushed with sap

and i tasted more like you and i smelled more like you

than i've ever tasted or smelled like me

and god, i loved you so much

i wished that i could be you.

and the birds sat outside cackling trash-hungry

disagreeing and picking through plastic

and trying to outsound us

but you were dead-set on discovering the new world of my shoulder-blades

so i lay like the indian ocean

and stopped caring about blackbirds///////////////
