Tuesday, November 16, 2010

caged tiger

i woke up with the weather sticking to my skin.

last night still powders my hair and
echoes in my tapping fingernails,
ruinous debris of limb-smashing, hot-breathed, god-yes,
dancehall embattlement.

i wanted you. but that's not good enough.

there was a chase like tigers
a clawing, a sabre-toothed trade-off of
exotic animal perfumes and pheromonal purrs.

i breathed in what you breathed out
and my teeth disintegrated
into powders that wafted right up into your nose
taking you to heaven, taking us to the Congo
i mean it must have
how else can i explain the pounding and the
hot scents that burned me and evoked the jaguar howling
when my bones pushed through my skin
in a vain effort to get closer to you,
to be gnawed on.

you wanted me too. but that wasn't good enough.

i slept in my own tent and let myself be coated in indian summer.

Monday, November 15, 2010


and it was into the cave
salt crashes and ex-train tracks and stuck in the mud
and light, the cliche light
at the cliche end
and i wasn't afraid to not hold hands
to break against the ledge
alone, in the debris that roared roared roared
i thought,
this is how i'd kill myself, if i thought i deserved a death that good
there was hemming and hawing about
tide traps and skulls mixed with foam, smashing against like jelly-filled shells
shivers and
fear of footing

and i thought, that's how i'd like to kill myself

but i kept mute because
landmarks are supposed to light you up
tighten your grip on what is and isn't natural
pat our backs for keeping one littered run-down piece of geology from turning into
burger kings
beach houses
big, beautiful frothing landfills
that doesn't keep me healthy.

i want my body to nourish the scrambling soil, my bones to be
a cragged beach spine
because the only time i feel as alive
is when my muscles snap from poor decisions like
poor decisions i want to make.

i would toss myself into the whirlpool
when and if i deserved to die.
