Monday, April 5, 2010


so one day i got a job.
i can do grown-up things! --and still read picture books and bark like a pup and live how i like to live, which is naked and loud and summer-haired and in love and absolutely cuckoo.

i like the evolution of myself.
present and open-eyed.

i live in a fallen angel city and arrange words at scholarly leisure and sleep with the love of my life and i embrace the idea of what is "woman" and reclaim it from politics and Hollywood and morality and pundits i make it


and i draw all over the blueprints and

if all these things don't make me beautiful, tell me

what ever could?

1 comment:

Daniel Loy said...

Every time I come on here and read a new post I can't help but smile. I truly and deeply enjoy your work. You are profound...real. Cheers.:)
-Dan Loy
